
Paval Sevyarynets/ Euroradio archive​
Paval Sevyarynets/ Euroradio archive​
He was detained preventively on February 26. No trial for the opposition activist since initial detention.
Euroradio's Zmicier Lukashuk getting ready to ask questions.
Euroradio's Zmicier Lukashuk getting ready to ask questions.
The relations with Russia and NATO, the Kurapaty memorial and other things that Lukashenka touched upon replying to Euroradio.
A few minutes before the Big Talk.
A few minutes before the Big Talk.
Euroradio is noting down the main things that Lukashenka is saying.
Photo: Iryna Gerashchenko’s Facebook
Photo: Iryna Gerashchenko’s Facebook
The behaviour of Donets Basin representatives was the reason for leaving, Verkhovna Rada vice speaker Iryna Gerashchenko explained
The songs of MC Gapon, NeBrat, Kolovrat, Korroziya Metalla and some other musicians have been blacklisted.
Crimean baking soda in Belarusian shops
Crimean baking soda in Belarusian shops
Baking soda from the "Russian" Crimea from an unknown supplier found in the stores of the Euroopt and Bigzz chains
Officials are planning to replace it with the term ‘disabled people’.
Photo from open sources
Photo from open sources
The data was sent even if the women did not have an account in this social network.
She has succeeded thanks to good shooting and high performance at the last stage.