Ales Piletski

Eight-time cycling World Champion Natallia Tsylinskaya comments to Euroradio on Fomachkin's scandal with the Russian flag.

Students from three dormitories (No 15, 16 and 17) come to vote early at polling station No 637 in exchange for extra days off.
Almost all of the ‘Old Guard’ opposition politicians were sitting in the centre. Except for Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu.
Belarus officials plan to abolish visas for tourists arriving via the Minsk international airport for up to five days.
The hearing took place in another court room.
If builders let a rector fall once, it may happen again, PhD Heorhi Lepin thinks.
The politician does not exclude that he may urge people to boycott the parliamentary election.
It is not clear how many candidates will be eventually registered.
The director who spent almost 2 years in jail is getting back to work.