Ales Piletski

Minsker Yan attended a match of the world hockey championship and has already spent a week in hospital. He has a double skull fracture caused by a puc

Team Belarus will play Sweden in the quarterfinals on Thursday.

The Ministry of Sport says the delay is caused by the desire to award more people.

The incident occurred during Latvia– Kazakhstan match. The man has been in hospital for 4 days.

The incident occurred during the recent Latvia–Kazakhstan match.

The controversial ribbons are handed out at the fuel stations owned by Russian oil company TНК-ВР.

Euroopt discounter calls off the Ribbon of Saint George action, while ProStore hypermarket stops hand-outs in line with management's order.

The multistore has not explained the reason for it.

Euroradio's corespondent reports from Kiev on how the Ukrainian capital looks like after the revolution.