War in Donbass

Interior Ministry has compiled a list of Belarusians fighting on the both sides of the front in eastern Ukraine.
Western politicians’ opinion about Belarus has changed thanks to Minsk agreements, the Minister for Foreign Affair believes.
Nearly 140 Belarus citizens are involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine fighting on the both sides.
Famous civil activist Zmitser Dashkevich has organized the action.
Polish Minister of Defence Antoni Macierewicz told Polska Zbrojna that the number of soldiers may be doubled.
Ukrainian president signs a law passed by Verkhovna Rada on December 24 to allow foreigners to serve in the National Guard.
34 of them are fighting on one side, 24 - on the other.
They are trying to find out whether he was searched for weapons at the border.
Belarusian engineers help Ukrainians create new APC (photo)