Anatol Lyabedzka

The UCP leader has been fined for Br5 million 850 thousand (over $600).

The leader of the United Civil Party is accused of violating the rules of conducting mass actions.

The voting will be held on the local elections day, says UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka.

Opposition leaders Lyabedzka, Karnyayenka and Kalyakin are going to start collecting signatures on January 5.

Pro-democracy opposition leaders discuss 2013 achievements with Euroradio.

It cannot happen as there are political prisoners in Belarus.

Lithuania's Conservative Party and opposition United Civil Party in Belarus are scheduled to sign a memorandum of cooperation today in Minsk.

The opposition United Civil Party announces the launch of a campaign against government plans to introduce a $100 tax for cross-border shoppers.

Iryna Burak defended political prisoners Alyaksandr Klaskouski-junior and Anatol Lyabedzka after Square-2010.