Anatol Lyabedzka

Milinkevich is the most popular with Popular Front members, while Fair World's communists are yet choose whom to support – Kalyakin or Lukashenka.

Not much time is left before the presidential election campaign-2015 but there is still no information about the single opposition candidate.

The UCP leader’s leg will be in a plaster for five weeks.

The leader of the United Civil Party comments on the agreement signed by the heads of the two parties’ affiliates in Minsk region.

Euroradio checks the terms of opposition leaders at the reign of their parties after Anatol Lyabedzka is again elected as United Civil Party leader.

15 organizations have refused the oppositionists. The congress is supposed to be held on May 31, UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka told Euroradio.

The users of social networking sites report detentions of civil activists ahead of the world ice hockey championship in Minsk.

Euroradio picks at least five potential single opposition candidates for Belarus presidency, but only Nyaklyaeu admits he wants to run.

The name of the UCP presidential candidate will be announced at a party assembly.