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Solvents can be used for illegal fuel production /​
Solvents can be used for illegal fuel production /​
Among the main buyers is a company linked with Ukrainian politician Anatoliy Shariy, who is described as pro-Russian.
Lukashenka and Putin / kommersant​
Lukashenka and Putin / kommersant​
Putin and Lukashenka have met five times in the past 15 months - each time with a different result.
But we are still fascists for them​
But we are still fascists for them​
The defenders of the "historical truth" hint at the need to finally resolve the "Jewish question" in Belarus.
Zingman detained at Lubumbashi airport /still from video​
Zingman detained at Lubumbashi airport /still from video​
Alyaksandr Zingman and Aleh Vodchyts were arrested at the airport of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Vladimir Putin, Viktor Medvedchuk, and Absolutbank owner Mikalai Varabey / collage by Euroradio​
Vladimir Putin, Viktor Medvedchuk, and Absolutbank owner Mikalai Varabey / collage by Euroradio​
Ukrainian oligarchs own half of all funds held in Absolut Bank.
Smuggled cigarettes are brought under the guise of boards, building materials, and more / Euroradio​
Smuggled cigarettes are brought under the guise of boards, building materials, and more / Euroradio​
1.7 million packs on the border with Lithuania, 3.2 million on the border with Poland. Russian smuggling volumes unknown.
Image of Anastasia Yevtushenko / hromadske
Image of Anastasia Yevtushenko / hromadske
"We need to present a united front to the tech giants because the individual voices of independent media outlets are not heard."
Import and sales of Nivea products are prohibited in Belarus /​
Import and sales of Nivea products are prohibited in Belarus /​
Earlier, the company refused to sponsor the World Hockey Championship, if it is held in Belarus.
Aliaksandra Herasimenia's gold medal /​
Aliaksandra Herasimenia's gold medal /​
The money will be transferred to the Belarusian Foundation for Sports Solidarity.
Pancake Day, organized by self-government body #127
Pancake Day, organized by self-government body #127
Self-governing used to be allowed to organize backyard events, but now it's not. However, it is its job to organize them.
Singer Alesya, Syarhei Tsyatseryn, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Ivan and Natallia Eismant​
Singer Alesya, Syarhei Tsyatseryn, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Ivan and Natallia Eismant​
Big bosses argue over about 40 million USD.
B.L.B. Baltijas Terminals /
B.L.B. Baltijas Terminals /
Spoiler alert: there is a businessman... And Minsk's refusal of the Latvian port may hit his business interests.
Liliya Salimgareyeva and Tsimur Hryshko / Facebook/
Liliya Salimgareyeva and Tsimur Hryshko / Facebook/
Belarusian fitness star's ex-husband was part of the violent crackdown on protesters in Minsk on August 9.
Belarus has a complicated relationship with the digital world / Euroradio​
Belarus has a complicated relationship with the digital world / Euroradio​
Belarusians have matured as a nation, but big digital corporations still treat them without respect.
"Smart City" and Mohamed Alabbar / Euroradio collage​
"Smart City" and Mohamed Alabbar / Euroradio collage​
It was decided to "untie" investment project "Smart City" for 4 billion euros from toxic companies with Serbian roots.
Belarusians are "offered" to pay for surveillance /
Belarusians are "offered" to pay for surveillance /
The lists have thousands of facilities to be connected to the system.
Belarus on the agenda of Russian propaganda / collage by Euroradio
Belarus on the agenda of Russian propaganda / collage by Euroradio
From "we are very close" to "Lukashenka is using Russia"
Synesis office / Synesis
Synesis office / Synesis
The EU put Synesis on its sanctions list for cooperation with the security forces against protesters in Belarus.
For some reason, TV presenter Azaronak is particularly keen on the topic of LGBT / Euroradio​
For some reason, TV presenter Azaronak is particularly keen on the topic of LGBT / Euroradio​
Belarusian state propaganda hopes that the words "LGBT" and "the white-red-white-flag" used together will discredit the protests.
Are Mazepin and Babich behind the new website?/Euroradio collage​
Are Mazepin and Babich behind the new website?/Euroradio collage​
The Busel (White stork) portal poses as a Belarusian website but is owned by a pro-Putin organization.