Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu

Pyotr Mihurski thinks that the dismissal was supposed to take place a bit earlier than February but the law did not allow it.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu, former presidential candidate, was interrogated under a house arrest for the first time on Monday.

Participants of the action would like to draw attention to the situation in our country (photo).

Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's wife Volha Nyaklyaeva has told about some conditions of her husband's home arrest.

Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, Aleh Korban, Anatol Paulau, Uladzimir Kobets, Siarhej Vazniak, Iryna Khalip nad Natallia Radzina have been released from the KGB prison.

Police did not attack the presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu in the evening on December 19.

Lawyer Tamara Sidarenka has not managed to meet her client – former presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu – again today.

As Euroradio has found out, the politicians’ lawyers have not been given a chance to meet their clients this year.

Rumors about Nyaklyaeu's death are groundless, Vadzim Gigin, editor-in-chief of Belaruskaya Dumka magazine