Sex and the City star reading Svetlana Alexievich’s book

Зорка “Сэксу ў вялікім горадзе” чытае кнігу Святланы Алексіевіч

Sarah Jessica Parker starring in Sex and the City has uploaded the photos of Svetlana Alexievich’s book Secondhand Time she is reading now to Instagram. The actress is also reading The Mothers by Britt Benett and The Guilded Rage about Donald Trump.  


“Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will devour. And savor the marrow,” Parker wrote.


Svetlana Alexievich’s books are gaining popularity in the United States. Secondhand Time has already become a best-seller there – several thousand books are getting sold every week.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will devour. And savor the marrow. X, sj

Фото опубликовано SJP (@sarahjessicaparker)