Matteo Mecacci: Election implies a free choice. We did not see it

Special co-coordinator to lead the OSCE short-term observer mission Matteo Mecacci has not assessed the parliamentary election in Belarus yet. But he has come to preliminary conclusions.

Matteo Mecacci: “An election is people's opportunity to make their free choice, speak freely and get organized. We have not seen it in this election campaign. The law does not guarantee that an election will be conducted in correspondence with the OSCE commitments. There were problems with checking the validly of signatures and the organization of the election lacked neutrality. Over 96% of all election commission members represented civil organizations and parties loyal to the authorities."

The OSCE representative paid special attention to the fact that ex-presidential candidates were unable to take part in the election.

Matteo Mecacci: “Famous politicians who could play an important part in this election were either in prison or were refused registration due to their conviction or some administrative reasons. The competition was restricted and electors' choice was limited.”

Matteo Mecacci noted that the TV debates were a positive thing. However, they were recorded. Some of the recorded debates were censored or not broadcast at all because candidates urged to boycott the election.