News of Mahileu and Mahileu region

The incident occurred at the interaction of Gagarin and Ulyanovskaya Streets in Babruisk.

Another worker of Babruisk tractor details plant has joined the hunger strike of five members of the Free Trade Union.

Activists with Belarusian Free Trade Union go on hunger strike over discrimination in collective agreements.

The incident occurred at the polling station #22 in Mahilou.

Opposition activist Aliaksei Paulouski was attacked by an unknown man when handing out his campaign leaflets.

Activists of Together for Belarus have conducted an action in protest against “Russia’s aggression in Ukraine” in Mahilyou.

Only six months has passed since the republican harvest festival in this district centre in Mahilyou Province.

Interpol agents detain a Belarusian banker who was on the run in Russia for almost four years after stealing money from private bank's clients.

The accident occurred on the Vitsebsk-Homel highway in Byhau District at 12 a.m. on February 10.