Police buy tokens to use subway and do not pay fare in buses

Everyone’s benefits were cancelled but the police seem to have preserved their right for free public transport. And it has been somehow preserved in the “surface” transport and lost “underground”. “We cannot be so insolent to make them pay”, - complains a conductor of bus #100. “The law does not allow the police to use public transport for free”, - explains Minsk metro. Meanwhile, the conductors’ plan for selling tickets has been increased. The administration of the subway knows the new law very well and immediately quote it. They say that policemen buy their tokens.

Metro: “The police must pay. The Law does not allow policemen to travel for free. I am not sure about policemen working for us, but the others do pay. Only those who are mentioned in the law can pass for free: invalids of the 1st and 2nd groups, handicapped children, international warriors who were contused or crippled during military operations, disabled veterans, participants of the Great Civil War, USSR heroes, heroes of Socialist Labour, Knights of State, Glory and Labour Glory, people who survived the blockade in Leningrad, members of the navy staff during the Great Civil War… The others have to pay”.

However, “Minsktrans” says other things to ERB. They recall a presidential decree that has not been cancelled yet. According to it, the police can use public transport for free while on duty.

Hanna Mіhailouskaya: “The President’s decree about the breastplate has not been cancelled. The police have the right to travel for free while on duty. The law does not cancel the decree. The decree was signed by the President and the law was signed by the Parliament. By the way, the law on breastplate also concerns the Office of Public Prosecutor if I’m not mistaken…”

A conductor of bus #100 explains ERB that nobody really knows whether the police have the right to travel for free or not. There have been no instructions so conductors behave in the usual way: they do not demand to pay the fare.

Conductor: “The police travel for free. Nothing is clear and they haven’t decided whether to preserve their benefits or not. I asked them about it. They said their heads had not told them anything about it. I cannot insolently tell them: pay and that’s it. Although I heard they do not let them use the subway for free. I wish they told us what to do, but they are all silent, so we just let them pass. They just show us their documents or we see that they are wearing the uniform. Cadets travel to Kazlou Street every morning in my bus”.

The conductor we talked to said that she did not demand other passengers to pay the fare sometimes. She said it didn’t pay but it was humane.

Conductor: “Sometimes they approach me quietly and explain their problem. They may say that they do not have money and have to survive till the pay day. It is understandable, people live like that. We are humane. Sometimes I see a thin student and pass by without asking for the fare”.

But she has become more insistent when demanding to buy tickets recently. Conductors’ plans have been increased after the benefits cancellation and they have to do their best to earn something.

Conductor: “Plans have been dramatically increased after the cancellation of benefits. So we demand passengers to pay, we try to”.
ERB: “What is the plan, how many tickets do you have to sell?
Conductor: “Well, the plan is for “a lap”. You get five or six laps during your shift and you have to bring back a certain amount of money. One conductor has to sell 200 tickets per shift. If you do not manage to do it you get much less money for your work, just some small percentage”.

By the way, Minsktrans’ profit has increased by only 10% in December. Although benefits were cancelled on December 17, the number is rather low.