
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Politician Pavel Sevyarynets was detained after the unauthorized May Day rally and spent the night in pretrial detention center.
The unauthorized opposition action ended without detentions.
The unauthorized opposition action ended without detentions.
Around 100 people walked from Kastrycnickaja Square to Independence Square in downtown Minsk on May 1.
Photo: svaboda.org
Photo: svaboda.org
He has been jailed for 5 days.
In the photo: Siarhei Antusevich on a Belsat TV video screenshot
In the photo: Siarhei Antusevich on a Belsat TV video screenshot
The rally is planned to take place between the Academy of Sciences and the remote Bangalore Square away from the city center.
The book distributor was detained in Minsk on March 21.
He was detained when leaving for holidays with his wife and child.
The list has been made by rights defenders and journalists.
It happened after yesterday’s non-freeloader’s march.
Ihar Barysau has been detained and searched at the National Airport Minsk.