
Photo: svaboda.org
Photo: svaboda.org
She was later sentenced to 10 days of arrest for a June 2017 unauthorized rally against Russian military bases.
Mikalai Statkevich. Photo: Svaboda.org
Mikalai Statkevich. Photo: Svaboda.org
He will be arrested again on September 7, the politician believes.
Photo: Maryna Adamovich's profile on Facebook​
Photo: Maryna Adamovich's profile on Facebook​
Mikalai Statkevich served five days of administrative arrest for an offense he had committed in March.
Photo: kommersant.ru
Photo: kommersant.ru
The American edition The New Yorker has reported the fact.
Photo: Euroradio archives
Photo: Euroradio archives
The opposition politician is still at large.
Photo: Euroradio archives
Photo: Euroradio archives
He is asking to subject BT for responsibility for the distribution of personal information.
Photo: licviny.info
Photo: licviny.info
Pavel Prakapovich has stood trial for the unauthorized action held in Minsk on July 7.
Photo: Radio Liberty
Photo: Radio Liberty
The right-of-centre coalition (Movement For Freedom, UCP and BCD) says they are very close to ‘a joint decision’.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The opposition-staged rally titled "For a Peaceful Belarus" began in Kastrycnickaja Square and ended near the Red Cathedral.