
Vadzim Dzeviatouski was backed by 62 delegates against only 1 absentee (himself) with no one voting against.

Mikalai Ladutska will answer questions between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

The Council of Ministers' spokesperson explained what exactly Vice PM Piotr Prakapovich meant about VAT.

Only three tenders for the purchase of ambulances were announced in the same period.

Special gift for Belarusian leader was handcrafted by Volga from Baranavichy.

Tusk has resigned in connection with his election to the position of the President of the European Council at an EU summit in Brussels on August 30.

The festivals of micro-districts will be organized instead, local newspaper Info-Courier reports.

He currently holds position of Deputy Chairman of the Belarus Handball Federation.

BELTA publishes photos showing Lukashenka harvesting melons.