non-governmental organization

Certification commissions will access lawyers’ work.

People who are standing in the square without violating the order cannot be subjected to responsibility. Minster of Justice Victar Halavanau has claimed it.

Syarhei Kupryk, representative of the Ministry of Defense, has claimed it.

The names of the bands "Liapis Trubetskoy" and "Tarakany" were crossed out with a black marker on the Russian festival's posters in Homel.

Moscow “Theatre.doc” will produce this play.

"Revolutionists” are eager to continue organizing “nights of applause”.

On June 24, Brest activist has been released after administrative detention for "bad swearing" just before the "silent action".

Activist of the Union of Poles in Belarus has been fined for 2 million 100 thousand Br(60 base fees).

The "Young FRont" Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka has informed about this.