non-governmental organization

The Young Front Co-Chairman Zmitsier Dashkevich and his wife Nasta refrain from revealing the gender of their future child.

Anatol Shumchanka says entrepreneurs are shocked after yesterday's statement made by Deputy PM Pyotr Prakapovich.

A picket in support of 22 Ukrainian and 11 Belarusian political prisoners was held in Kiev's central square Maidan Nezalezhnosti on October 30.

Independent journalists Alyaksandr Barazenka and Maria Artsybashava were detained on Tuesday near the Pershamaiskaya metro station in Minsk.

The European Union has no reason to lift the existing restrictions.

It has been accreted by the city campaign Let’s do it better!

The upper house of Belarusian parliament, the Council of the Republic, has passed the amendments in the law on political parties and NGOs.

He left Belarus two years ago.

In the video, Andrei Dzmitryeu talks about the good police, drunken opposition activists and the dispersal of candidate Nyaklyaeu's column.