non-governmental organization

Ales Kirkevich, Andrei Pratasenya, Aleh Hnedchyk and Dzmitry Daronin have been pardoned. The other political prisoners are expected to be released in September.

The journalist organization has sent the corresponding letter to the President’s Administration.

His wife Volha has informed about it today, on September 1.

Human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich has commented on the disbarment of Tamara Sidarenka and six other lawyers.

Political prisoner Paval Sevyarynets has described his way of life in the penal labour camp to Euroradio.

At least two of them have already been summoned for such a conversation.

He has sent a letter to Syarhei Skrabets from Shklou colony.

She is the seventh disbarred lawyer who defended participants of “Dec.19 case”.