non-governmental organization

The former presidential candidates’ relatives have informed about it.

Head of US diplomatic mission in Belarus talks about economic sanctions, political prisoners and other topical issues of bilateral relations

The political prisoner’s wife has been allowed to meet her husband – Dzmitry Us.

Stéphane Hessel who participated in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has given bail to Ales Byalyatski.

Euroradio has talked to the former political prisoner released yesterday.

He was released from Navapolatsk colony yesterday.

Surprisingly, the hearing of the BCD activist’s complaint has ended in his favour.

Even Mladenov commented on it after an official meeting in Sofia.

The hearing of the case of activist of the Belarusian Christian Democratic Party Zmitser Shurhai will begin in Brest Moscow District Court at 9.30 a.m. today.