non-governmental organization

Brest regional coordinator of the BCD steering committee who was arrested for the picket of solidarity with Zmitser Dashkevich, has been released.

He was supposed to be delivered to the pre-trial detention center No. 2 in Vitsebsk.

The Council's member Pyatro Martsau has informed this to Euroradio.

Mikhail Khvastou, representative of Belarus in the UN department in Geneva, stated this on September 22.

Renewal of the dialogue between Belarus and the EU is possible only after release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners.

Father of the "Young Front" Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka Uladzimir has expressed his worried in this regard.

Silent protests have been revived in Belarus on September 21.

He managed to call his wife from the hospital.

On September 22 - the day without automobiles - they will only need to show a driver's licence or a technical passport in the city buses.