non-governmental organization

Zmitser Kramyanetski delivered the hand-made dolls which were supposed to be the gifts for the political prisoners' mothers and wives, from Hrodna to Minsk.

A break in Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou’s trial has been announced until October 19.

Alyaksei Paulouski has started collecting signatures for the appeal that will be sent to PM Mihail Myasnikovich and leader of the official trade unions

The ex-presidential candidate has informed this live on air to Euroradio. Let us remind you, he is now in the Czech Republic as a political refugee.

A law should not just be adopted, it should correspond to the Constitution, the human rights defender says.

The politician will stand trial for organization of the People's Assembly which took place on October 8.

HR defenders appealed to the Ukrainian government with a demand to withdraw Ukraine's Ambassador to Belarus Victar Tsikhanau.

Students of a state university are questioned on legislative issues.The questionnaire includes 2 questions on limitation of access to sites and social networks.

The House of Representatives and the Council of Republic voted for another "tightening of screws". Human rights defenders protest.