non-governmental organization

At first, there was just Vasil Parfyankou in the Kastrychnitskaya Square.

The next one will happen tonight.

It should take place in the Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk and in other cities.

"European Belarus" coordinator Maxim Vinyarski was detained. They caught him as soon as he appeared in the Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk.

Coordinator of the “European Belarus” campaign Maxim Vinyarski has been reminded about the inadmissibility of violating the law on mass actions.

Coordinator of the initiative “European Belarus” Maxim Vinyarski has informed about it.

The action of solidarity took place in the Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk. About 10 people took part in it.

Unknown people in plain clothes detained Maxim Viniarski at 9.30 a.m.

It will be held by the campaign "European Belarus".