non-governmental organization

Andrzej Galitsky, head of the foreign affairs commission of the Polish Sejm, has informed about it.

Belarusian directors Volha Nikalaichyk and Syarhei Sakur made these documentary films.

It was organized by the local activists of the civil campaign "Tell the Truth".

The group “For Freedom” has created a special information centre.

He was taken off the Minsk-Warsaw train this night.

Belarus' representative Mikhail Khvastou has read it out.

Alena Lazarchyk was detained on March 8 in Minsk when she was pasting posters with Andrei Sannikau's portraits.

Ex-presidential candidates and political prisoner Andrei Sannikau is celebrating his 58th birthday today, on March 8.

He has done it at the end of the term appointed by Minsk Partisan District Court.