non-governmental organization

Central Elections Commission plans to increase presidential candidate's fund from 3000 to 9000 base rates which translates into roughly $100,000.

The Supreme Court did not satisfy the campaign's complaint to the negative decision of the Ministry of Justice.

Minsk Soviet District Court has fined Ravyaka and Labkovich for an unauthorized event.

Human rights activists Tatstsyana Ravyaka and Uladzimir Labkovich have been summoned to Minsk Soviet District Department of the Interior today.

The human rights activists were handing out postcards with the image of Ales Byalyatski.

On Aug. 4, members of "Union for Democracy in Belarus" put portraits of Belarusian political prisoners in front of the Belarusian Embassy in Berlin.

The activists are tired of being arrested by thug-looking "people in plain clothes" that appear from vans without number plates.

Belarus Association of Journalists held its traditional retreat mixed with sports and fun at Ales Los' farmstead in Valozhyn district.

Brest city hall did not allow local HR defender Uladzimir Vyalichkin to hold the action.