Mihail Myasnikovich

The Belarus leader is not happy with the Council of Ministers' performance to build trade and logistic centers in this country.

The November 12, 2013 resolution of the Council of Ministers of Belarus renewed accreditation for one year for Euroradio bureau in Belarus.

Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich says Belarus should revise its privatization strategy.

The Belarus president on Wednesday conducted a meeting dedicated to social and economic issues.

Vladislav Baumgertner stays in Minsk in a specially selected apartment, under the 24/7 control of the police.

Uralkali key shareholder Suleiman Kerimov blames himself for Vladislav Baumgertner's arrest.

The head of state reckons Belarusians should be charged $100 per person when traveling outside Belarus for shopping.

The Belarusian governmental delegation headed by PM Mikhail Mysnikovich continues the official visit to Mongolia.

Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich's spokesperson Volha Douhaya does not confirm her boss resignation.