Khaim Sutsin museum to open in Smilavicy

The Khaim Sutsin's museum is to be opened in his home town of Smilavicy in Cherven district, according to Natallja Shylina who coordinates the town's sustainable development strategy group.

The museum is planned to be located at the premices of the Manjuskau-Vankovic Palace, the architecture memorial of the second half of the 19th century. The palace is now hosting an agricultural college.

The project is spearheaded by Uladzimir Schasny, the chairman of the Belarus UNESCO Commission, who plans together with the students from the Belarus State University to display the traditions of a Belarus-Jewish town and open a cafe where the reproductions of the artist's paintings and ancient pieces would be displayed.

The Portrait of a Man with the Red Scarf by Khaim Sutsin has recently been sold at Sotheby's for the recrod-breaking $17 million.

Sutsin studied arts in Vilnius and Paris. He lived in Paris since 1913.