Independent Gazeta Slonimskaya ousted from office

The local independent newspaper Gazeta Slonimskaya reason has lost their office technically due to fire safety concerns. The administration of Kosauski Market blocked access to the second floor of the building on the afternoon on December 31, editor-in-chief Victar Valadashchuk said. The staff did not even have time to take their belongings with them. They moved to a new office only after the winter holidays, Radio Liberty reports.

Doctor Ivan Sheha, head of the local affiliate of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was also asked to leave this office situated in the same building. He had opened an private medical service Shehamedconsult there recently .  

The fire inspection had nothing against Gazeta Slonimskaya until Ivan Shaha opened his service in the building. The doctor has not taken away his equipment from the office yet and is going to sue the administration of Kosauski Market because he signed a lease contract for 3 years.
