Head of state

The Belarusian President talked to Poroshenko, Nazarbayev and Putin most of all. Putin talked to Merkel, Hollande and Obama.

Euroradio reports on public institutions' reactions to Lukashenka's words

The Belarus leader met with Belarusian diplomats on July 16 made several loud statements.

There is no war of the peoples in Ukraine, but there are indecent politicians who underestimated the importance of unity once.

Lilia Ananich was officially pronounced as the information minister on June 30.

Belarus President Lukashenka on June 24 visited the defense industry enterprises in Barysau.

The President visited Belaruskali and commented on the economy, politics and the problem of drug addiction on Thursday.

The Belarusian President may visit Belaruskali on Thursday, Salidarnast reports referring to a source in Salihorsk.

The Belarusian legendary writer was known to always draw something on a piece of paper when talking on the phone.