First day of CDF is over

The first meeting of the Congress of Democratic Forces took place in Minsk today. The results of the work of the opposition in the past years were summed up there. The attention was drawn to the presidential election campaign.

Alyaksandr Mіlіnkevіch called it the best opposition’s campaign. The former presidential candidate noted that he was ready to remain the leader of the opposition but refused to be the co-leader of the political council.

Syarhey Kalyakin, Anatol Lyabedzka, a representative of Alyaksandr Kazulin Ihar Rynkevich and other Belarusian politicians made speeches there.

Some invited guests – a deputy of the Russian State Council Vladimir Ryzhkov and the head of the Union of the Right Nikita Belyh also made speeches.

Ambassadors of the EU and USA were also present at the Congress.

Election of the co-leaders of the political council and discussion of a new strategy will take place tomorrow. 

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