Finance Belarus

Our country will not follow Russia, the Belarus leader said at a meeting with the government in the light of the currency crisis in Russia.

The Russian rouble collapse and its effect on the Belarusian economy will be discussed at the meeting at the office of the president.

Russian ruble collapsed on the stock exchange from 58 to 81 RUR to the dollar.

The money was spent in January-September 2014, the National Bank of Belarus reports.

Minskers’ income has increased by a quarter in comparison with 2013.

The National Bank of Belarus chairwoman Nadzeya Yermakova says that inflation forecast for 2015 is set at 12%.

The National Bank of Belarus released the latest statistics on the gold and foreign currency reserves.

National Bank chairwoman Nadzeya Yermakova says no there are no immediate plans to denominate the Belarusian currency.