Sanctions against Belarus

Aliaksandr Lukashenka met with Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyun /
Aliaksandr Lukashenka met with Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyun /
Lukashenka doesn't want China to suffer losses over the sanctions.
Lukashenka's policy aggravates the situation in Ukraine and leads Belarusians to poverty / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Lukashenka's policy aggravates the situation in Ukraine and leads Belarusians to poverty / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belarusians are in for unemployment, rising prices, and a shortage of goods.
Freight train of Lithuanian Railways /
Freight train of Lithuanian Railways /
Since February 7, Belarus has not allowed transit trains carrying fertilizers and petroleum products from Lithuania.
Crypto exchange iExchange is moving from Belarus to Latvia /
Crypto exchange iExchange is moving from Belarus to Latvia /
Причиной стали западные санкции.
Belaruskali wagon
Belaruskali wagon
Among them is BPC. "Lithuanian Railways appealed to the National Security Commission.
The Nezhinsk mine sees little to no activity / Euroradio
The Nezhinsk mine sees little to no activity / Euroradio
Construction works suspended, Chinese workers cannot return home.
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted /
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted /
The sanctions are working despite the growth of trade, and their effect is becoming commonplace in Belarus, said the expert.
Yara's purchases are much larger than its exports to Norway / Euroradio
Yara's purchases are much larger than its exports to Norway / Euroradio
Belarus can find a buyer instead of Yara, but the trade will no longer be as convenient and profitable.
Yara will no longer purchase Belaruskali products / Euroradio
Yara will no longer purchase Belaruskali products / Euroradio
The Norwegian giant Yara, a key partner of Belaruskali, decides to back off from Belarus over the US and EU sanctions issues.