Education in Belarus

However, finding a qualified employee is not the main problem for them.

The teachers have written a letter in support of dismissed head of the Senate Pavel Tserashkovich.

The Academy of Public Administration under the Belarus President disappears from the university rating.

The state leader will answer students’ questions and make a speech: “Belarus in modern civilization: aims and prospects”.

Moreover, teachers' wages in August were Br 70 thousand less in comparison with the January-May ones.

The share of the Belarusian-language education is diminishing in Belarus.

Entrants should focus on specialized secondary education; head of the entrance campaign supervision commission Anatol Rubinau thinks.

Syarhei Maskevich has said this at a press-conference in Minsk.

A student of Luninets technical agricultural college is obliged to pay this amount if he or she refuses to work at mandatory placement job.