Detention in Belarus

Ales Makaeu held a white-red-white flag during the prayer for political prisoners release near the St.Simon and Alena Church in Independendence Square

"Alternativa" leader Aleh Korban and activist Uladz Syarheeu, detained on July 2, have been sentenced by the Partisan district Minsk court.

Police in Minsk detain four street artists who began to paint a portrait of Belarusian writer Vasil Bykau on a transformer booth in a backyard.

Minsk Central District Court has considered Volha Zhuraulyova’s case today.

Alternativa activists (youth organization registered in Latvia) have been detained in Minsk October Square on the evening of May 29.

Activist remains in detention awaiting the trial on 'petty hooliganism' charges.

Alyaksandr Kurets’ case has been considered by Minsk Partisan District Court today.

Aleh Kerol was detained in the evening of May 13.

Aleh Kerol was detained near the National Library on the evening of May 13.