Detention in Belarus

The headmaster of Belarusian-language grammar school No 4 in Minsk Yury Bandarenka was detained in his office on August 18.
A picket near the Palace of the Republic was supposed to be held on June 23.
They were making videos about the economic situation in different regions of Belarus.
The situation resembles ‘the graffitists’ case’, human rights defenders say.
He came there to lodge a complaint and will have to stand trial now.
The activists were detained at a meeting in Zhodzina market on May 21.
Pavel Siarhei's arrest is the first arrest for an unauthorized street protest in Belarus in 2016.
He took part in a picket against the construction of pig farms in Maladziecna District.
Radio Liberty reporter Aleh Hruzdzilovic was detained for stepping on the road restricted for traffic during a street action.