Death penalty in Belarus

He will take part in the intentional conference dedicated to the problem of the death penalty.
Yauhen Yakavitski was sentenced to death as far back as during the Soviet times but had it replaced with a prison term.
This call has to do with a new death sentence our country.
At the trial, the activist said he wanted to congratulate the human rights defenders on International Human Rights Day.
The statement by the Council of Europe and European Unon is timed with the World Day Against the Death Penalty.

Death row convict Alyaksandr Hrunou from Homel was executed by shooting.

The majority of Belarusians continue to support death penalty but the number of those calling for abolition steadily rises.

Former Czech foreign minister tells Euroradio about the death penalty, why Kiev should be helped with weapons and who will win at Belarus elections.

Church hierarch Philaret is against death penalty (video)