Conflict in the Crimea

This summer the number of cars in a Minsk-Simferopol train is two-times lower than in 2013.

Euroradio compares pictures taken by the Crimean city's web-camera at midday on July 9, 2013 and 2014.

The decision to ban the import of Crimea-made goods within the European Union will come into force on Wednesday, June 25.

26-year-old Uladzimir Karatkevich was actively involved in takeovers of administrative buildings and Ukrainian military units in the spring of 2014.

President Lukashenka says Belarus is ready to receive refugees from Ukraine but their criminals should be blocked.

The pompous piece of music is called Friendly People.

President Lukashenka answered questions from MPs and senators after his annual State of the Nation address at the parliament.

The Russian President has presented the corresponding bill to the State Duma.

However, their names will not be made public now, the Russian President told RBK.