Conflict in the Crimea

The Ukrainian PM and U.S. President met on March 12.

Inhabitants of Russian Belgorod Oblast keep uploading photos of military equipment 30 kilometres away from the border.

The exercise will be conducted in the areas of possible Russian intervention.

The G7, Council of EU and European Commission have urged Russia to stop supporting the referendum in Crimea.

The western forecasts of ‘the Crimean scenario’ in Belarus are ‘cheap’, Alyaksandr Lukashenka thinks.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has made a statement concerning the Ukrainian events today, on March 12.

The resistance movement is getting stronger as Crimea occupied by Russian troops is getting ready for a referendum.

Homel civil activists Dzmitry Karashkou and Stanislau Bula approached the Embassy with posters yesterday.

U.S Congress urges White House to expel Russia from G8