Cinema in Belarus

The film script has been made public but Syarhei Zhdanovich is refusing to say whether it is the real script or a fake.

Some episodes of the film Avel were shot there on Thursday evening. They are dedicated to the events in the Square in 2010.

They need 5 people from every group, a student of the Economic University said.

It will appear in our country’s cinemas in December 2013.

Kanstantsin Fam’s film “Shoes” qualifies for the American Motion Picture Academy's competition in the short film category.

It will open on November 1. Ukraine has nominated Paradjanov by Serge Avedzekiyan and Elena Fetisova for Oscar-2014.

Connection is the latest in a series of short feature collaborations between the Young Vic and the Guardian newspaper.

Belarus' cinema and theater star Anatol Kot has survived a heart attack and remains in a serious condition in a Minsk hospital.

This is the movie "Modern Times" of 1936.