
Belarus' legendary rower Katsiaryna Karsten will perform at the Olympic Games in Brazil.
Dubarezava was on Belarus TV on July 18 when she voiced her biathlon career plans.
Belarus' Olympic rowing champion Aliaksandr Bahdanovich categorically rejects all doping accusations.
“Such a nice day”, the famous Norwegian biathlete wrote under the photo. He did not indicate the place of the ceremony.
Belarus' running star Alina Talai shares some of her plans for the Olympic Games in Brazil.
The Norwegian biathlon star says he will study Russian together with his child.
Rifle shooter Sergei Martynov, 48 will carry the flag of Belarus during the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Rio de Janeiro.
People were honking and chanting late into the night in Lisbon.
Syarhei Bulynyonak has commented on the MIA’s press release about match-fixing and his detention.