
How former officials, convicted for corruption but pardoned by the president, quit their job assignments ahead of time.
Iraq-born UK citizen Alan Smith begins a hunger strike in a Belarusian colony, his demands yet to be known.
The Kurapaty defenders today were invited to the Ministry of Culture.
"I don't crave motor bikes." Two Georgian men had their hearts transplanted in Minsk. The donors were motorcycle riders.
Chinese troops and Belarusian female soldiers will march for the first time during a military parade in Minsk.
Two Belarus KGB generals are dismissed due to age and retain the right to wear their uniform and decoration.
The Liberal Democratic Party deputy chair calls on the authorities to solve the problem of Kurapaty memorial site.
The public insists the head of Minsk City Executive Committee is delaying the installation of the memory plate for no reason.
“Doing this at the moment when the education system is being destroyed is obscene.”