
The Belarus president signs an edict to extend the visa-free program for foreign visitors from currently 5 to 30 days.
Police in Hrodna raid the apartments of Ales Dzianisau and Aliaksei Kayrys who cooperate with the Belsat TV channel.
The murder of Belarus-born journalist Pavel Sheremet remains unresolved two years after the car explosion in central Kyiv.
A young soldier gets 18 months of restricted freedom for beating a fellow private in boxing mittens.
A similar billboard is installed across the road but the operating company takes no action.
"We are good old friends,” Tatiana Navka wrote under the photo with Lukashenka on Instagram.
Deputy Prime Minister Vasil Zharko who oversees healthcare in the government was not detained as initially reported.
Minsk sewer manholes will be decorated with fountains, flowers, telephones, horse-drawn trams and cute cats.
"Masha, come here, baby. Sit here. Let’s see how you look as the Kupalauskaye manager."