
He was accused of an unauthorized picket.
Belarus in August asked Russia to replace the reactor casing that was dropped to the ground from 4m-height during an exercise.
The list of web addresses with extremist content disappears from the Information Ministry's website after Euroradio story.
The traditional action in Kurapaty, authorized by the authorities, was organized by the opposition Christian Conservative Party.
15 people took part in the action on the threshold of KGB headquarters in Minsk to commemorate victims of the 1937 repressions.
The blogger tried for porno in his text about 'Russian world' was found guilty but completed his sentence while in pretrial jail.
Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) declines to reveal how many transit travelers are refused entry from Belarus.
Natural population increase in Belarus amounts to 518 people over nine months in 2016.
The first foreigners to visit the Augustow Canal area visa-free were from Poland's Podlaskie Voivodeship.