
The woman received $16 in cash and the rest in tinned food having worked without days-off in October.
Jared Kushner's ancestors lived in Navahrudak, Belarus as far back as in early 19th century.
The policeman replied the law allowed him to park his vehicle wherever he liked.
"We do not have price lists. All the orders are individual,” the enterprise that won the tender explained Euroradio.
Rosenergoatom replies to Euroradio officially denouncing reports about an explosion of generator at the NPP in Voronezh.
Minister Zhuraukou's staff described opposition MP Hanna Kanapackaja’s reaction as ‘a rude PR game.’
Classical philosophy professor Dzmitry Homan proves he was illegally jailed for two days in pretrial detention.
The action to commemorate Belarusian intellectuals executed in the late 1930s took place in central Minsk on October 29.
The conflict between driving inspectors and Dzmitry Homan started in September when the man decided to make a remark about their a