
Military experts from Belarus and Russia are meeting in Brest to discuss the upcoming drills that will take place in April 2017.
All audio announcements in the Minsk Metro are made in Belarusian and English, effective from February 10.
Belarus enhances monitoring of radiation levels but says the situation is normal after the blast at Flamanville in France.
The reservists will take part in a comprehensive checkup of the army’s combat readiness.
Ukrainian investigators do not rule out the involvement of Belarusian citizens in the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet.
Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich met with U.S. charge d’affairs Robert Riley on February 7 to discuss bilateral cooperation.
Blogger Alexander Lapshin is seen handcuffed as he is being walked out of an Azerbaijani plane on arrival in Baku.
Belavia CEO Anatol Husarau does not reveal the amount of compensation.
It has been done to prevent illegal migration, drug trafficking and smuggling.