
The check-up showed that the apples were Polish and could not be imported due to sanctions, 39 vehicles have been detained.
Photo: Radio Liberty
Photo: Radio Liberty
People were simply holding sheets of blank paper in the street.
Jan Mikhalkou, a 'riot case' suspect was released from pretrial detention on April 29.
The unauthorized opposition action ended without detentions.
The unauthorized opposition action ended without detentions.
Around 100 people walked from Kastrycnickaja Square to Independence Square in downtown Minsk on May 1.
Aleh Larychau a day after beating. Photo: Euroradio
Aleh Larychau a day after beating. Photo: Euroradio
Aleh Larychau was severely beaten 3 weeks ago. His art community Signal is usually the first to report social graffiti in Minsk.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Several hundred people walked form the cinema house Kastrycnik towards the Chernobyl Chapel in a remote park.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The meeting in Kiev Public Garden was allowed by the city authorities.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The 31st anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster is being commemorated at a traditional manifestation in Minsk on April 26.
Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat
The flag could be seen from the Interior Ministry headquarters nearby.