
Fifth column of Wagnerites in Belarus / "Belarusian Hajun".
Fifth column of Wagnerites in Belarus / "Belarusian Hajun".
PMC columns started arriving in Belarus on July 11.
Italian authorities have frozen the assets of Belarusians and Russians / pexels.com
Italian authorities have frozen the assets of Belarusians and Russians / pexels.com
This is due to the sanctions imposed by the EU
Yevgeny Prigozhin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / glavred.info
Yevgeny Prigozhin and Aliaksandr Lukashenka / glavred.info
'Other means' were reportedly employed to persuade the founder of PMC Wagner pick up the phone.
Children from the Russian-occupied territory of Ukraine in Belarus, April 2023 / sb.by
Children from the Russian-occupied territory of Ukraine in Belarus, April 2023 / sb.by
About forced removal of Ukrainian children from the territories occupied by Russia to Belarus.
Пригожин в роли "повара Путина"
Prigozhin to the left of Putin / AP
Allegedly, all happened with the assistance of Lukashenka.
Belarusians / 25.by
Belarusians / 25.by
Sharon Stone takes a lie detector test / Footage from the film "Basic Instinct"
Sharon Stone takes a lie detector test / Footage from the film "Basic Instinct"
How does the lie detector work and should it be used at all?
Flight to the free world / sample photo pixabay.com
Flight to the free world / sample photo pixabay.com
They received humanitarian visas or international protection.
Belarus opposition reacts to Putin's statement on nuclear weapons in Belarus.