
Apart from the back problems, the political prisoner has troubles with his vessels now.

They protested against the fact that Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Anatol Kulyashou entered France without any problem.

Lawyer Maryna Kavaleuskaya who visited the colony “Vitsba-3” not long ago has informed Euroradio about it.

However, it confirms that the Minister is still in France. He is supposed to return to Belarus today.

FEMEN activists urge the international community to boycott the World Cup which is to take place in Belarus in 2014.

The party wants to make its members' work as safe as possible.

He has said this in an interview to the leading Chinese media on January 17.

He has suggested inviting western observers only if the European Union cancels the visa sanctions imposed on Belarusian officials.

He will spend the rest of his term there.