
Alyaksandr Lukashenka mentioned the necessity of better currency regulation in the country on February 25.

A director of the "Free Theatre" which will give a performance dedicated to political prisoners on February 21 in Chicago has given an interview to Euroradio.

The General Prosecutor’s Office has warned the chairperson of the human rights centre “Vyasna”. But he is not going to stop his work.

The UCP members demanded that the ex-presidential candidate should apologize to his colleagues and resign from the position of a Vice-Chairman.

MEP Jacek Protasiewicz touches upon the EP debates about the situation in Belarus, the future resolution and the possible EU sanctions

The Ambassador of the country currently presiding in the European Union does not understand how journalists can be connected with the case of December, 19.

Poland has also imposed a travel ban for all those in Belarus implicated in election rigging and repressions against presidential candidates.

The lawyer Tamara Sidarenka has not been provided access to her client Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu so far. He has been kept in the KGB detention center for the 4th day

The leader for DDT shares his impressions of the Belarusian election and the square, wishes Nyaklyayeu good health and says which opposition motto he likes best