
In the opinion of the Russian political scientist, Belarusian leader parlayed on the communists and Putin at the election 2012.

The Appeals Board of the Supreme Economic Court has supported the BT and agreed that its reputation was damaged by Narodnaya Volya’s label “Goebbels-TV".

A famous photographer who took pictures of numerous detentions at the silent protest action, shared his impressions.

Ecologist Yauhen Herasimenka has stressed that lesser NPP disasters are being concealed all over the world. And even the newest NPPs cannot be a guarantee.

That is why he has commissioned his son (Assistant to the President) with the meeting, thinks the analyst.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu has addressed the UN and international human rights organizations.

Deputy General Prosecutor Shved claims the accused of metro blast committed 14 crimes. Former investigator Pyzhyk is concerned about quality of investigation.

Economist Siarhej Chaly has called Belarus' appeal to IMF the best news.

The ex-presidential candidate Andrej Sannikau has passed an appeal to Belarusians from prison. He demands the second round of election.