
The Belarus president on Thursday attended a ceremony to award the prize For Spiritual Revival and other special prizes to Belarusian intellectuals.

Former chairman of Belarus' National Bank reckons the Russian loan is about nothing but preserving the inefficient Soviet economy model in Belarus.

Russian Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov held a press-conference in Minsk on Friday.

Belarus needs foreign currency now.

Private vendors' leader Anatol Shumchanka from Perspektyva association says entrepreneurs will work according to the old rules from Dec 1.

The European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy has commented on the prospects of EU development programmes in Belarus.

MGIMO professor and pundit Kirill Koktysh talks to Euroradio about the outcome of Belarus-Russia 'potash war'.

Suggestions to exclude the countries that do not show interest in the Eastern Partnership program circulate ahead of the Vilnius summit.

Uladzimir Makei does not exclude the possibility of Belarus joining the EU in the future, he told Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.